
It's Ok To Be Just 'Ok'

I'll admit it, I'm usually just an 'ok' mom. I get by and my kids are alive. My house, well, that's not always in pristine shape, but it's decent(ish). It used to bother me, that I was just 'ok'. I read blogs and saw Facebook posts of moms who had it all together, or what appeared to be all together. Their houses were decorated like Martha Stewart herself had been there, and every night, home cooked food was set at the table (with real dishes!). They took  beautiful pictures of their beautiful children, dressed in beautiful clothes, while mine ran through the house half naked, or wearing the same clothes they had the day before. I felt like I couldn't measure up, that I wasn't good enough. So, I tried to be the perfect mom, with the perfect house and the perfect kids, and I failed. Because really, who can be perfect..all the time? This would then upset me, to the point that I was miserable. I spent all my time trying to be perfect, and I was mi...

My Sweet Mila Rose

Dear sweet baby girl, I didn't know I needed you, but I did. I thought I was done, I thought my family was complete. God knew differently. He gave you to me for a reason. I needed you, so that I could see me, see the good in myself again. I was doubting who I was, the core of my being. I had my ability to mother put into question. I was thrown into a myriad of scrutiny and criticism. My job as my children's mother was put under attack, and I needed you. I needed you to evoke my confidence as a, not good, but GREAT mother again. You helped me dig into my inner self and pull out all the good I have in there. I love to love, and through you, I was able to discover my passion again. That passion is being a mother. From the moment I saw those two lines, I loved you. You were coming at a time not 'ideal' to me, or so I thought at the time. I was at a low point in my life, going through some of my darkest days. I was raw, vulnerable and hurting. I was dealing ...

Hey,hey, let's give this thing a shot!

I guess I should start off by introducing myself, although, that seems boring. I was a blogger many, many moons ago, but after a few moves and other life things happening, blogging went on the back burner. The very, very far back burner. My fingers get tired and I'm lazy about putting my thoughts down, so I called it quits for awhile. Now, I find myself at home with another little, so it's time to dust out the bloggy part of my brain and give it another shot. You will see grammatical errors often, I do not apologize. I have six kids, brain cells have died. It's par for the course. I'm 33 and I live in the great state of Texas (hook 'em horns!). I transplanted here about 4 years ago and now, I'm a Texan for good. Was born, raised and had my first 4 children in the frozen tundra, aka, northern Illinois. Although, I miss my family that still resides there, because of certain circumstances, I will probably never be an Illinois resident again. It's ok, if you c...