Hey,hey, let's give this thing a shot!

I guess I should start off by introducing myself, although, that seems boring. I was a blogger many, many moons ago, but after a few moves and other life things happening, blogging went on the back burner. The very, very far back burner. My fingers get tired and I'm lazy about putting my thoughts down, so I called it quits for awhile. Now, I find myself at home with another little, so it's time to dust out the bloggy part of my brain and give it another shot. You will see grammatical errors often, I do not apologize. I have six kids, brain cells have died. It's par for the course.

I'm 33 and I live in the great state of Texas (hook 'em horns!). I transplanted here about 4 years ago and now, I'm a Texan for good. Was born, raised and had my first 4 children in the frozen tundra, aka, northern Illinois. Although, I miss my family that still resides there, because of certain circumstances, I will probably never be an Illinois resident again. It's ok, if you can stand the heat, Texas is a great state, with great opportunities. I'm happy here and my life is good, even if slightly dysfunctional at times. By the way, we have the best BBQ in Texas, no doubt. Just a little FYI. Don't believe me, just look at those delicious, succulent ribs....is your mouth watering yet?

I (currently) have 6 children, ranging from 6 months- almost 15 years. My first four are boys, my last two are girls. They are my life, my everything, what I live for. I'm not perfect and I've made mistakes, but my love for them is fierce. I will speak often of them, and I will brag freely. It's my right and privilege as their mother.

My best friend happens to be the man I'm deeply in love with. He will show up occasionally since, he's a somewhat ok human. He can get on my last nerve (when he decides to snack on crunchy nuts in the car ), but we tolerate each other, because, love.

That's it for now, my finger tips are sore and I need a nap now. I suck at this, but it's a start. If you read all this, I congratulate you. You deserve something. 
